
Weeks 3 and 4: Databases

Weeks 3 and 4 at Epicodus JAVA/JavaScript/Android program were all about databases.

The good news is that yes, as expected, RESTful routes, Spark and CRUD have become familiar, integration testing and unit testing are becoming second nature and it all flows really well. Postgres, many-to-many relationships with Sql2o? Got it. As a prospect student, having all of this thrown at you in just a couple of weeks may seem a bit intimidating, but it works out. It is true what they say about working your way through problems and making sense of things as you go along. It sinks in. At some point along the way, it just sinks in. Plus, I can’t say enough good things about pair-programming, it works, it’s magic, I don’t know why I was ever scared of it.

The bad news is that we’re now deep into our interview-prep, which means leaving the nice comfy Epicodus bubble and dealing with real-world tech industry cover letters and technical interview questions.What is Downcasting?What restrictions are placed on method overriding? What is the difference between creating String as new() and literal? See what I mean?

A good way to start preparing is by digesting some intro CS courses, like edX’s Harvard CS50 (https://courses.edx.org/courses/HarvardX/CS50x3/2015/info) and Coursera’s Stanford CS101 (https://class.coursera.org/cs101-selfservice).

Ok, time to work on that cover letter…